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(şimdiye kadar 37 posta)Yahoo Messenger
03.06.2010 10:55 (UTC)[alıntı yap]
The Will Of The Wind

Mrs. Hackett found her in her bedroom crying. She stood in doorway and said seriously, I came in to borrow some sugar, Sylvia. The door was open so I just walk in. Now whats on earth s wrong with you?
Sylvia sat up and dried her eyes. Her skirt was wrinkled and her black hair hung in disorder over her forehead. A pin had come out of her imitation lace collar and it had fallen down to catch in the little red buckle at her waist. She said shakily, Hello, Mrs. Hackett. Nothing.
Mrs. Hackett drew down the corners of her mouth. Nothing, indeed. Its because of Chip wanting leave here and go to Canton. Isnt it? Of course it is.
Sylvia pushed her hair aside out of her eyes. I wont do it, she said angrily. I wont.
Mm, Mrs. Hackett said sourly. A boys will is the winds will. Thats a poem. Its the truest thing in the world. It doesnt do any good to fight against it. Remember that and youll have it easier
I wont do it. I wont move around to one mill after another all my life, and never have anything, no home, and no-nothing! I wont!
Well its his job if he wants to give it up.
It isnt! Its just as much mine as it is his. I dont believe in that old idea that a womans just a-a slave, to follow a man around whatever he happens to want to do!
Oh, you dont, Mrs. Hackett said. And just what can you do about it?
Sylvia bowed her head and dried her cheeks with her handkerchief. I dont know, she said.
Of course you dont. Youre nothing but a child, Mrs. Hackett said. Youll be twenty years finding out what to do and by that time itll be too late to do you any good. Unless theres somebody around to tell you to begin with. Somebody who knows.
Sylvia was not impressed. What could you tell me Mrs. Hackett? What could anyone do? Ive argued with him until Im almost crazy but he doesnt even listen any more. Hes got his mind set on moving on, to something different that wont be any different at all, and hell want to go again, and
A boys will is the winds will, said Mrs. Hackett, Thats what the poem says. Its just as true of a man or an old man, for that matter. The older they get the truer it gets, I guess. Only they give up trying to do anything about it after so long a time. She pushed up her lower lip and looked down her nose at Sylvia. Like Mr. Hackett.
Sylvia looked up, surprised. You mean Mr. Hackett used to want to
He was the hardest man to hold down in this town. He got tired of everything, that was his trouble. Its sort of laziness, thats all it is. But he stuck here. He stuck, all right.
Why? Sylvia asked. What did you do?
Well, Mrs. Hackett said, you can take it for what its worth, Sylvia. It worked with Mrs. Hackett, I know that.
But what was it?
Whenever he got all excited about leaving here and going away some place to look for something he thought was better, I simply gave him his way. I didnt oppose him in the least.
Sylvia looked disappointed and confused. Oh.
But, Mrs. Hackett said profoundly, he didnt know it. “”I always took him on a trip. Just a week or so. And I kept him on the jump every minute of it. I always liked little trips around, anyway. Well, bye the time that man would get home again hed be so tired of jumping around that he wouldnt have left for a thousand dollars. “That, Mrs. Hackett said, is something you find about men, Sylvia. They like to start but they like to get back home a whole lot more.
Sylvia said doubtfully. It doesnt seem that Chip would
Maybe he wouldnt. Im the last person in the world to try to give other people advice, Sylvia. Nobody wants it and I guess everyone has to live his own life, anyway. But Mr. Hackett says that theyre shutting down the mill for a week, and if Chip was to spend that week in a car traveling along fast from one place to another, without even a chance to catch his breath.Well, a boys will is the winds willthe idea of that is that the wind can change in a minute.
But what if he wouldnt want to go?
Mm. You tell him you want a little vacation before you move to Canton. If he thinks that youve given in to him about moving to Canton, hell take you. You try it and see.
They went up into Michigan, west to Wisconsin, down through Minnesota and Iowa and St. Louis to Memphis, east to Knoxville and up through Louisville to come to home. They were gone six days. Each day Sylvia arranged it so that they got up very early and were on the highway by daylight and she kept on the job, planning the things to visit at the next stop, until late at night. She called upon Chip to stop often at roadside stands and she filled him with hot dogs, soft drinks and bad coffee. She was surprised and delighted at the dull look that appeared in his eyes on the third day.
Mrs. Hackett came over the day after they returned to bring back the cup of sugar she had borrowed. She said, Well ! and paused expectantly, holding the cup of sugar in both hands.
He went back to work today, Sylvia said. There was a tired note in her voice. He hasnt said a thing about going to Canton for several days.

Rüzgarin Hevesi
William Brandon
Bayan Hackett onu yatak odasinda agliyorken buldu. Kadin kapi araliginda durdu ve ciddi bir sekilde Sylvia, biraz seker dn almak iin gelmistim. Kapi aikti ben de ieri girdim. Simdi Allah askina neyin var yine?
Sylvia dik oturdu ve gzlerini sildi. Etegi burusmustu ve siyah salari alninin zerine daginik sekilde sarkmisti. Taklit dantele benzeyen yakasindan bir igne disari ikmisti ve bluzundaki kk kirmizi kopayi tutturmak iin asagi dogru uzaniyordu. Sesi titreyerek Merhaba Bayan Hackett, bir sey yok dedi.
Bayan Hackett enesinin kenarlarini ovarak hi bir sey yok, gerekten. Chipin buradan ayrilip Cantona gitmek istemesinden dolayi, degil mi. Elbetteki yle.
Sylvia salarini gzlerini nnden yanaklarina dogru itti. Sinirli sekilde Bunu yapmayacagim dedi . Yapmayacagim.
Karamsar bir sekilde himm dedi Bayan Hackett. Gen bir erkegin arzulari rzgarinki gibidir. Bu bir siirdir. Dnyadaki en dogru sey. Buna karsi savasmanin hi bir faydasi yoktur. Bunu hatirla ve bylece daha kolay kabulleneceksin
Bunu yapmayacagim . Hayatim boyunca bir degirmenden tekine dolasmayacagim, ve asla bir seyin olmayacak, evin olmayacak, hi bir seyin olmayacak; bunu yapmayacagim.
Bu onun isi isterse birakabilir.
yle degil . Onun oldugu kadar benim de isim. Su eski fikre,- Kadini her istedigini yapmak isteyen bir erkegin pesinden kosan bir kle gibi gren – fikre inanmiyorum!
Ooo , inanmiyor musun? Peki, sen onunla ne yapabilirsin? dedi Bayan Hackett.
Sylvia basini ne egdi ve yanaklarini mendiliyle kuruladi. Bilmiyorum dedi.
Elbette bilmezsin. Henz daha bir ocuksun. dedi Bayan Hackett. Ne yapacagini grenene kadar yirmi yasina basacaksin ve ve o zaman da kendin iin bir seyler yapmak iin ok ge olacak. Tabii etrafinda bulunanlardan biri sana nereden baslayacagini sylemedigi srece. Birisi kim bilir.
Sylvia etkilenmemisti. Bana ne syleyebilirsiniz ki , Bayan Hackett? Kim ne yapabilir ki? Onunla deli oluncaya kadar tartistim fakat beni dinlemedi bile. Gitmeyi kafasina koymus, sonunda hi bir farklilik yaratmiyacak farkli bir seye ve tekrar gitmek isteyecek ve
Gen bir erkegin arzulari rzgarin istegidir dedi Bayan Hackett. Siirin syledigi bu. Bu konu gen bir erkek iin ne kadar dogruysa yasli bir adam iin de yledir. Yaslandika daha dogru olur, tahminimce. Sadece ok uzun bir zaman sonra bu konu hakkinda bir seyler yapmayi birakirlar. Alt dudagini yukari dogru bkt ve burnundan asagiya Sylviaya bakti. Bay Hackett gibi dedi.
Sylvia kafasini kaldirdi, sasirmisti. Yani Bay Hackett da gitmek isterdi.?
Bu kasabada tutulmasi en zor adamdi. Onun sikintisi herseyden bikmasiydi. Bir esit tembellikti, hepsi bu kadar. Fakat burada kaldi. Burada kaldi, tamam mi?
Niye , ne yaptiniz ki? diye sordu Sylvia.
Sey, degeri ne ise o kadariyla alabilirsin, Sylvia. Bay Hackettta ise yaradi, bunu biliyorum.
Fakat o neydi?
Ne zaman burayi terk edip ve daha iyi oldugunu dsndg birseyler bulacagi baska yerlere gitmekle ilgilendiyse; ben aika ona yolu gsterdim. Hi bir sekilde ona engel olmadim.
Sylvia sasirmis ve hayal kirikligina ugramis bir sekilde bakti Yaa! dedi.
Fakat dedi Bayan Hackett O bunu bilmiyordu.”
“Her zaman onu bir geziye ikardim. Sadece bir hafta veya biraz fazla . Gezinin her dakikasinda onu mesgul ettim. Neyse kk gezilerden her zaman hoslanmisimdir. Yani , tekrar eve geldigi zaman o etrafta dolasmaktan ok yorgun dsms olurdu ki bin dolar verseydiniz bile tekrar gitmezdi.” Bu dedi Bayan Hackett senin erkekler hakkinda grendigin bir sey, Sylvia. Onlar baslamaktan hoslanir ama en sonunda eve dnmekten ok daha fazla hoslanirlar.
Sylvia tereddtle Chip vazgeecek gibi gzkmyor
Belki vazgemeyecek. Dnyada diger insanlara gt verecek son kisiyim, Sylvia . Kimse tavsiye istemez ve bence herkes yine de kendi hayatini yasamak zorundadir. Fakat Bay Hackett degirmeni bir haftaligina kapatacagini sylyor, ve eger Chip bu haftayi bir sehirden digerine hizlica, hatta nefes almasina bile firsat vermeden arabayla yolculuk yaparak geirirse.. gen bir adamin istegi, rzgarin istegidir. Bu rzgarin bir dakika iinde degisebilecegi fikridir.
Fakat; ya gitmek istemezse?
Himm, sen ona Cantona gitmeden nce ufak bir tatile ikmak istedigini syle. Eger senin Cantona gitme fikri hakkinda ona boyun egdigini dsnrse, seni tatile gtrr. Dene ve gr.
Michiganin kuzeyine, doguya Winconsine, asagi dogru Minnesota ve Iowa ve St. Louisden Memphise, batiya Knoxvillene ve eve gelmek iin yukariya Louisvilleye gittiler. Alti gnlgne gitmislerdi. Her gn Sylvia geziyi dzenledi dolayisiyle ok erken kalktilar ve gndzleri otoyoldaydilar ve bir dahaki duracaklari yerde neleri ziyaret edeceklerini planlama isini Sylvia gece ge saatlere kadar srdrd. Sylvia Chipten sik sik yol kenarindaki bfelerde durmasini istedi ve ona sosisli sandvi , alkolsz iecekler ve kt kahve yedirip iirtti. nc gn Chipin gzlerinde grnen donuk bakislara sasirip ve sevindi.
Dndklerinin ertesi gn Bayan Hackett dn almis oldugu bir kase sekeri geri vermek iin ika geldi.
Eee!?! dedi ve her iki eliyle seker kabini tutarak umutla bekledi.
Bugn ise geri dnd dedi Sylvia. Sesinde yorgun bir ifade vardi. Bir ka gndr Cantona gitmeyle ilgili bir sey sylemedi!
Himmm ! Peki eve geldiginde ne syledi ? diye sordu. Evin ona hi bu kadar gzel grndgn asla dsnmedigini. syledi. Sylvia basini salladi. Mutfak sandalyesinin birine oturdu ve bir an iin dsncelere dalmis gzkt. Aynen yle syledi! dedi en sonunda.
Bir ay boyunca onu sinemaya gitmek iin bile evin disina ikaramayacaksin. Sana sylemistim.Rzgarin arzulari iste siir bu. Onlarin hepsi ayni ,btn erkekler. Seker kasesini mutfak dolabina koydu ve Sylviaya bakti. Ama senin bu konudan ok mutlu grndgn syleyemem. ok yorgunsun.
Sylvia enesini ellerinin zerine dayadi. Iini ekti ve Sanirim bu kasabadan bir para sikildim. Sadece dn geri geldigimizde dsndm ve bu kasaba ok eski, kirli, sikici, bunaltici grnd ve dsndm de btn mrmz burada geirecegiz, yapacak bir sey olmadan sadece ayni eski .Aman, Sadece dsnyordum!
Bayan Hackett geri ekildi ve ciddi bir sekilde Sylviaya ya bakti ve Sadece yorgunsun, Sylvia. Aman Allahim, su uzun gezi ..dedi.
Sylvia basini kaldirip bakti, gzleri parliyordu. Fakat ben yorulmadim ki dedi. Harika bir zaman geirdim.
(şimdiye kadar 37 posta)Yahoo Messenger
03.06.2010 10:56 (UTC)[alıntı yap]
Looking Girl in Town

Thyra Samter Winslow
the time she was thirteen Rilla Mabry had been ashamed of her
appearance. It was then that she started growing taller than the other
girls. She was also awkward as well as tall and she was too thin.

By the time she was twenty she was fully convinced that her
appearance was really something terrible . All of the other girls seemed
little and cute and attractive. No matter what hat Rilla wore it seemed
wrong. She was much too tall to wear tailored clothes. And thin dresses
hung around her loosely.

All of the girls and boys in the group liked Rilla. She was
a fine girl if you could forget the way she looked. Even her hair was
wrong-rather stringy- but she had a pleasant and attractive face.

In spite of her looks Rilla had a boy friend. He was Patrick
Redding and his father kept a grocery store. Pat wasnt any great price
but then you couldnt expect Rilla, with her looks to do any better.
People feel that Rilla ought to be satisfied. Pat was a nice looking
boy, and he shouldnt be considered unimportant.

Rilla didnt consider Pat unimportant. She was grateful to him for being
nice to her. She was as pleasant and as friendly as she could be. As a
matter of fact she liked Patrick a lot. He was fun to be with. She would
have been perfectly satisfied except for the fact that she was in love
with Shane Tennant. All of which did her little good for Shane was the
price of the town. Shanes father was a banker and rich.

mother was the social leader of the town. Shane was well much
taller than Rilla- and handsome besides.

Pat went into the grocery business with her father. Shane
went into the bank. Thats the way sons do in small towns unless they
have definite ideals about law or one of the other professions. Rilla
didnt do anything. Her parents have just enough money so she didnt
have to work. She went to parties with Patrick- and admired for Shane
from a distance. The towns people felt that she would marry with Pat,
that hed take over his fathers grocery store, and that theyd settle

That might have happened if it hadnt been for Leslie
Durant. Leslie Durant was – and still is-a well known magazine
illustrator. And he came to Morrisville to visit an aunt. And he was
taken an anywhere to all of the parties , of course. He was the social
lion of the season. He stayed in town only for few days but that was
long enough for a lot to happen.

saw Rilla Mabry. Rilla was standing near the door and she was looking at
Shane Tennant. She never knew her face how much showed what she was
thinking about. No one else noticed- but Durant being knew, understood
the situation. He saw Rilla standing not quite straight because she
didnt feel quite as tall that way, in a badly fitted dress and her
hair not quite smooth- and he saw Shane, perfectly dressed, self
confident, good looking. And then Pat came to ask Rilla for the dance.

the second day of his visit Durant made his remarkable statement. He
told anyone who would listen to him that Rilla Mabry was by far the best
looking girl in town. One of the best looking girl hed ever seen.

Rilla never had a compliment about her looks before. She had always been
shy, self conscious, and often unhappy about her appearance. And now the
first authority in beauty who had ever been in town claimed that she was
the price.

Durant, himself told her what he thought of her she was filled with
confusion. She managed finally to thank him. And later, very shyly , she
went up to him.

do wish that you would tell me how can look better, she said.

Thats not really my particular kind of work, he told her, but may
be if we get together ..

got together the next morning. Durant came to Rillas house. And with
Rillas mother acting as helper, they did things to Rilla and to Rillas
clothes. Durant made her stand up straight . and he rearranged her hair.
And he told her what was wrong with the clothes she wore.

night there was a dance for Durant- his last evening in town. And, as
he had thought when he started things, Rilla was, for the first time in
her life, the center of attention. Toward the end of the evening Durant
had the satisfaction of seeing Shane Tennant dancing very attentively
with Rilla, Shane Tenant whom Rilla had looked at with longing eyes
and who had paid any attention to her.

Durant went back
to his home and his work in New York and forgot about the whole thing.
Years passed. And then, just the other day, this happened:

Durant was
lunching alone at a restaurant when an attractive, tall woman, past her
first youth, came up to him.

You dont
remember me ? she said.

Durant didnt
remember her.

I am Rilla
tenant I was Rilla Mabry when you knew me. You came to my home town
and and rather made my life over. Remember now ?

Of course I do
said Durant. I remember very well. It was my one attempt at changing
the destiny of another person.

You did a
wonderful job. said Rilla. There was a strange note in her voice which
he didnt understand.

You married the
boy you were in love with. I see. His name was Tannent wasnt it ?

Why, yes said
Rilla. But how did you remember the name ? And how did you know I was
in love with him?

I am good at
remembering names. And I saw you looking at him. Simplicity itself! And
to think that I was the cause!

Yes you were
said Rilla. It was very funny when you look back on it. There I was
going with Patrick Redding, and in love with Shane, and terribly unhappy
and awkward. And you came down and said I was a beauty- so automatically
I became a beauty. And the boys all wanted to go out with me. And I
married Shane.

Wonderful said
Durant. And he smiled happily. How are you getting along , now ?

That is the
difficult part. said Rilla. You shouldnt have asked.

Shane and I got
married. And it didnt get along very well though I was awfully happy in
the beginning. The Tennant lost all of their money in a bank failure-
and my family had its money in the Tennant bank by that time, so our
money went, too. Then Shane fell in love with a chorus girl. I got a
divorce of course. Ive been teaching in a girls school for the past
three years.

Thats too bad!
said Durant. But maybe that was better than marrying that other boy
whom you didnt love.

May be, said
Rilla. You can never tell. Love goes Patrick Redding took his
fathers grocery store and married the cutest girl in town. They have
three children and are very happy. And, oh , yes he became quite
ambitious and started a chain of grocery store. Now he is the richest
and most important man in town
Kasabadaki En
Gzel Kiz

Thyra Samter

yasindan beri Rilla Mabry grnsnden utaniyordu. Bu yastan sonra diger
kizlardan daha uzun olmaya basladi. Ayni zamanda beceriksiz, ok ince ve
olduka uzundu.

Yirmi yasina geldiginde grnsnn korkun olduguna tamamen
ikna olmustu. Diger kizlarin hepsi kisa, sevimli ve ekiciydi. Rilla ne
giyse, kt grnyordu. ok uzun oldugundan hazir elbiseler tam
anlamiyla zerinde asili sekilde duruyordu.

Gruptaki btn kizlar ve erkekler Rillayi seviyordu. Iyi
bir kizdi,eger grnsne kulak asmazsaniz. ok ince oldugu iin sai
bile kt grnyordu, fakat ok hos ve ekici bir yz vardi.

Grnsne ragmen Rillanin bir erkek arkadasi vardi. O
Patrick Reddingti ve babasinin bir bakkali vardi. Pat fazla etmezdi,
fakat bakislariyla Rilladan da fazla birsey bekleyemezdiniz. Insanlar
Rillanin tatmin olmasi gerektigini dsnrlerdi. Pat iyi grnsl bir
ocuktu ve nemsiz oldugu dsnlmemeliydi.

Patin nemsiz oldugunu dsnmyordu. Kendisine iyi davrandigi iin o
da ona karsi saygiliydi. Elinden geldigince ona hos ve arkadasa
davraniyordu. Aslinda Pati ok seviyordu. Onunla birlikte olmak
eglenceliydi. Shane Tannenta asik olmasaydi ok memnun olabilirdi.
Bunun faydasi yoktu zira Shane kasabanin gzdesiydi. Shanein babasi
bankaciydi ve zengindi.

kasabanin sosyal lideriydi. Buna ilaveten Shane Rilladan daha uzun ve
stelik yakisikliydi da.

babasiyla beraber bakkal isine girdi. Shane bankaya girdi. Eger Hukuk
veya diger meslekler hakkinda idealleri yoksa erkek ocuklarin kasabada
bas vurdugu yol buydu. Rilla birsey yapmadi. Onun anne ve babasinin
yeterince parasi vardi ve o alismak zorunda degildi. Patrickle beraber
partilere gitti ve Shanee uzaktan hayranlik duydu. Kasaba halki onun
Pat ile evlenecegini, babasinin bakkalini devralacagini ve kasabaya
yerleseceklerini zannediyordu.

Eger Leslie Durant olmasaydi bu beklentiler
gereklesebilirdi. Leslie Durant gemiste ve halen taninmis birgazete
ressamiydi. Halasini ziyaret iin Morisvilleye geldi ve tabiki
partilerin oldugu her yere gtrld. Sezonun en sosyal insaniydi.
Kasabada yalnizca bir ka gn kalmasina ragmen bu sre birok seyin
gereklesmesi iin yeterliydi

Rilla Mabryi grd. Rilla kapinin yaninda duruyor ve Shane
Tennanta bakiyordu. Ne dsndgn yznn ne kadar gsterdigini hibir
zaman bilmiyordu. Daha nce hikimse bunu farketmemisti, ama yeni oldugu
iin Durant durumu anlamisti. zerinde kt duran bir elbise ve dzgn
olmayan salariyla uzun grnmemek iin egik duran Rillayi grd. Sonra
Shaneigrd, mkemmel giyinmis, kendine gvenir ve yakisikli. Ve sonra
Pat Rillaya dans teklif etmek iin yanina geldi.

Ziyaretinin ikinci gnnde Durant dikkat ekici szlerini syledi. Onu
dinleyen herkese Rillanin kasabada grdg en gzel kiz oldugunu
syledi. Hayatinda grdg en gzel kizlardan biri diye syledi.

Rilla daha nce bakislari hakkinda hi iltifat almamisti.
Her zaman utanga, kendi halinde ve genellikle grnsnden mutsuzdu. Ve
simdi gzellik konusunda ilk otorite olan ve kasabaya ilk defa gelen
birisi onun kasabanin gzdesi oldugunu sylyordu.

Durant onun hakkinda ne dsndgn anlattiginda kafasi
karisti. Sonunda tesekkr etmeyi basarabildi. Ve daha sonra utanga bir
sekilde ona gitti.

Bana nasil daha gzel grnebilecegimi anlatabileceginizi
umuyorum dedi.

Bu gerekten benim uzmanlik alanim degil dedi ona Fakat
belki beraber olabilirsek

Ertesi sabah bulustular.

Rillain evine geldi. Rillanin annesinin yardimi ile Rilla ve
elbiseleri zerinde dzeltmeler yaptilar. Durant ona dik durmasini
gsterdi. Ve salarini tekrar dzenledi. Ve giydigi elbiselerde neyin
hatali oldugunu anlatti.

O gece
Durrant iin dans vardi.Kasabadaki son gecesiydi. Ve Durant
dsndklerini yapmaya baslarken Rilla hayatinda ilk defa ilgi odagiydi.
Gecenin sonlarina dogru Durant, Rillanin zlemle baktigi ve ona dikkat
bile etmeyen Shane Tannentin Rilla ile nazike dans edisini grmenin
mutlulugunu yasiyordu. Durant Newyorka evine ve isine geri dnd ve
herseyi unuttu. Yillar geti. Ve evvelsign bu gereklesti:

Durant bir restoranda tek basina gle yemegi yerken uzun
boylu, ekici ve orta yasli bir hanim ona dogru gelip durdu. Beni
hatirlamiyorsun degil mi?dedi. Durant onu hatirlamamisti.

Ben rilla Tannent. Siz beni tanidiginiz zaman ben Rilla
Mabry idim. Sen benim kasabama geldin ve hayatimi degistirdin. Simdi
hatirladin mi?

Elbette hatirladim. dedi Durant. ok iyi hatirliyorum .Bu
baska birinin hayatini degistirmek iin gsterdigim bir abaydi.

ok iyi bir is yaptindedi Rilla. Sesinde onun hi
anlamadigi bir ton vardi.

Anladim, asik oldugun ocukla evlendin. Adi Tennantti
degil mi?

Evet dedi Rilla Fakat onun adini nasil hatirliyorsunuz?
Ve benim ona asik oldugumu nasil anladiniz?

Isimleri hatirlamakta ok iyiyimdir. Ve seni ona bakarken
grdm. ok kolaydi. Benim sebep oldugumu niye dsndn?

sendin dedi Rilla. Tekrar ana dnp baktiginda ok komikti. Ben
orada Pat Redding ile ikiyordum ama Shane Tennanta asiktim ve ok
mutsuzdum. Sonra sen geldin ve bana gzelsin dedin ve ben gzel oldum.
Ve btn erkekler benimle ikmak istedi. Ve ben Shane ile evlendim.

gzel dedi Durant ve mutlu sekilde glmsedi. Ya simdi ne yapiyorsun?

Bu zor tarafi dedi Rilla. Sormamaliydin.

Shane ve ben evlendik fakat fazla uzun srmedi, ilk
zamanlar ok mutluydum. Bir bankanin batmasi ile Tennantlar btn
paralarini kaybettiler. Ve benim ailemde o zamanlar parasini Tennant
Bankasinda sakliyordu, ve bizim paramizda utu. Sonra Shane bir koro
kizina asik oldu. Bosandim, elbette. Son yildir kizlar okulunda
gretmenlik yapiyorum.

Bu ok kt dedi Durant. Fakat belkide bu sevmedigin
diger ocukla evlenmekten daha iyidir.

Belki dedi Rilla. Hi bir zaman anlatamassin. Ask
geici Patrick Redding babasinin bakkalini aldi ve kasabanin en sirin
kiziyla evlendi. ocuklari var ve ok mutlular. ok hirslandi ve bir
bakkallar zincirine sahip oldu. Simdi kasabanin en zengin ve saygin



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Şu anda Online olan (kayıtlı) kullanıcılar: Hiçkimse crying smiley
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